Wednesday, July 2, 2014

This That And The Other: A Recap

Yes, yes and YES!  I completed the Whole30 challenge! I want to say thank you for all of the amazing posts of love and support on FB and my Whole30 IG and thank you for following along on my journey!

My girlfriend Lindsay, who blogs over at Fit & Awesome is interviewing me so I am sure she will ask all the good questions and make it seem way more interesting and informative so I will not talk about it here and instead point you to her site when the article is up.  Bottom line is I feel amazing and I am 100% glad I did it and plan on living a more Paleo lifestyle (well more like 80/20 because girl needs her "Pasta Sundays" and french macaroons). I will also post everything I ate later this week.

Aside from living a clean life for 30 awesome days, I have been nursing Maggie back from her TPLO surgery.  She is 4 weeks post-op and is finally weight bearing and has graduated to 20 minute walks! She is still quarantined to a very small living space in the house, but I started letting her out when I'm home so she won't go stir crazy.  My advise to pet owners:  GET PET INSURANCE.

What else?  Oh we are finally going on vacation!  We haven't been anywhere (aside from trips to Cali and local BC places for long weekends) since Bali and we both are in need of sun, warm water and for Kyle-surf.  We're deciding between Hawaii or Mexico for at least 10 days. Our only window is in September so of course we need to find when and where the surf is best.  I am really leaning towards Hawaii.

Vancouver is really beautiful right now!  I think (THINK) we are seeing the last of the rain for the season, but then again this is "Raincouver" and from what I hear last year was pretty dry and we got lucky so who really knows.  The temp has been around 80-85 the past couple of days so I have been pretty stoked! Festivals are happening every weekend and yes...during my Whole30 Challenge I went to and didn't get to eat any cannolis at the Italian Day Festival.

Kyle just got back from a 4 day surf trip to Tofino Island and I used the alone time to do some gardening, hang with some of my girlfriends and really just veg out.  Things are pretty mellow for the most part around here.  Hopefully I have more interesting news next post ;)  I am working on another post where I call out more Pinterest crap that I see, so stay tuned for that.  I have been a pinning fool lately and have come across some real gems.  It may also be about pinning fails as I have tried many a thing from crafts, to food and they have turned out exactly the opposite of the pictures!

That's all I got...

~Mrs. G

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You did awesome. Can't wait to get your Post Whole30 interview live on my site. #yourock.


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